Thursday, January 24, 2008

don't get yourself worked up

shes just jealous.

who you talk to in this world doesn't matter, who your friends with, who you've kissed. each has a negative impact. after you talk to someone, the conversations over...most likely its dead on arrival...the fake people know how to cover that up. it doesn't matter if your friends with the biggest rock star on the planet, or if your friends with some semi-famous down to earth rock band. they are just normal people that share there talent with others. you can find fun/talented/whatever people like that anywhere in this world you just have to open your eyes and listen. people focus more on what they see then anything, don't worry about 'giving them something to look at' when it all comes down to that time around 1 AM and your sitting in your bed thinking about that one person, them being so good looking is probobly one of the least things that just keeps running through your mind, or it should be at that. your probobly remembering how they made you laugh, all the jokes they play, or just the way you can talk for hours and still have something to say, no silence. sorry if you don't agree with this, but this is how it should be. the 'cool' people in this world are the ones that try to hard, they are the ones with the problems. the 'nerds' in this world have realized how pointless it is to be what everyone else wants you to be, so there just themselves. they deserve the most credit dontcha think? do you really care if [insert name here] walks into school with some coach shoes and seven jeans? i could care less, it won't make a difference.
your so afraid of being different, of being emotional, or showing emotion, that anything emotional or different that comes out of someones mouth you immediatly put down, you make fun of them. sorry that i can't be how i used to be. why would i want to be how i used to be...if it wasn't even real, if it wasn't even me.

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