Wednesday, January 23, 2008


stop trying so hard. perfect isn't 'in.' you notice someones imperfections the most when they are trying to cover them up. sarcasim is hysterical, but as much as you laugh it off theres always gonna be that one voice in your head that says 'maybe i am really ugly? maybe my outfit doesn't match? maybe i am stupid?' blahblahblah. don't take people seriously. you'll end up wasting your life fighting people out, you'll end up saying things you don't mean, you just say it because they hurt your it makes it 'okay.' wellll, no. i'm not gonna waste time caring about little things when i could be out having the time of my life. yeah bitches, life is too short. it will be over before you know it. don't regret anything, whatever got you introuble...its over now, and you probobly had fun doing it, unless you landed yourself a life-sentance in the slammer. that's when ya know you fucked up. you can only depend on people to a certain extent. no ones perfect, so that means...everyone will end up screwing you over, whether you find it out or not. you can't depend on music/bands completely. listen to it, love it, but don't freak out if they get on MTV or get a new girlfriend or whatever. bands love there fans, yes, but they can't hold your hand to help you grow up and become someone in this world. there music can inspire you, but when you find yourself on wits end they aren't gonna be at your side. depending on a band so much will just make you depressed. once you let go a little, you'll notice that your alot happier. trust me, i learned from experience. i'm trying to start over. i have a longer list of goals then your mom's grocery list. everything will be crossed off, everything will be accomplished. lets get fucked up.

on a lighter note, i preordered the new audition CD, champion. havn't gotten it yet, but i listened to it online almost every second. if you don't have it i suggest you go buy

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