Sunday, June 8, 2008


'don't care.' If the people you surround yourself with stress you out, put you down, or make you should NOT be around them. There should be no explaination why, it should be blatently obvious to the person, considering they act that way.
so you ask, whats popular these days? i'll tell you:
being a bitch, backstabbers, arrogance, being uptight, and being flat out fake. five best friends or fifty aquantences? five best friends.
one best friend or one hundred friends? one best friend.
you really only need that one person, to tell everything and anything to, to be able to hangout untill you literally never want to see them again, but then they leave and you want them to come back over. that one person who you always get in the stupidest fights with, but then forget about it because you know it won't matter in the end. plus the next time you see them you can't help but smile and laugh about how stupid our fights are. i kinda lost that person, so now i only have about six best friends, who i really would not consider best friends if you knew the shit they talked and the things they do. i still don't know how i deal with them. its hard to get away.

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