Tuesday, March 18, 2008


can change everything. you don't notice the girl who stands there with her head down and no expression on there face.
you do notice the girl who floats around like she owns the place, always talking and laughing with someone with a smile on her face.
if you don't have confidence in yourself then you will never acheive what you want.
'if theres a will theres a way'
if you want it don't just sit there fantisizing about it, dreaming about it, and talking to your friends about it.
go out and get it. make it happen. and don't take no for an answer.
it might not always come when you want it to, but eventually you'll get it.
the best times are the times that aren't caught on camera. you won't notice how good of a time you are having while its happening. does that make sense? well i hope so.
i've learned that you can't spend your whole life rebeling against authority. the consequences just ruin everything and it will get you no where but a couple weeks/months in your room with no friends no phone no computer, nothing. plus, it always seems to happen around the worst times. eventually i'm gonna have to do something with my life, and i guess the only way i can do that these days is..........school. whether i like it or not, unless i wanna end up in some trailer park, i need to get ontop of things. it feels good to be successful. in anything really. grades, sports, personal goals etc. when those are reached you feel on top of the world.
'is it really that easy?' yes.
you just have to stop thinking so much and give just a LITTLE more effort. it's not as bad as i make it out to be, i just make exusese and procrastinate, so it makes it ten times worse. i just need time. i need to pause everything so i can catch up to the world.
just a little big longer, and i'll be fine
(did i just quote the jonas brothers? ...sorry, but it was just appropriate.)

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